

儿科护理学 at the 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院

护理人员致力于为20多名患者和家庭提供优质的护理,000名婴儿, 儿童和青少年 throughout Central New York annually. State-of-the-art nursing care is delivered throughout our inpatient, 门诊, pediatric emergency department and surgery center areas. A unique and extensive one-on-one orientation program is provided to new personnel.

Professional development is encouraged and sponsored by the department. 这包括, 但不限于, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC), pediatric certification and other nationally recognized programs. Opportunity for career advancement and clinical nursing research is available.



上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 21-bed medical pediatric unit provides care to infants, 儿童和青少年 for treatment of acute and 慢性 medical conditions, 残疾和其他复杂的医疗问题,涵盖儿科护理的整个范围. 这也是医院专门的儿科癫痫综合监测单元的所在地.

The Pediatric 加护病房 (PICU)

The PICU is a multidisciplinary unit that provides care for infants, 儿童和青少年 who become critically ill or injured. Conditions that commonly cause critical illness and injury include severe infection, 中毒, 药物过量, 创伤, 广泛的手术, congenital anomalies and immunological disorders. Care is provided by specially trained physicians, 护士 and dedicated support staff.

儿科重症监护运输项目在纽约中部和宾夕法尼亚州推荐最近最火的赌博软件部分地区的17个县转诊区域内为重症婴儿和儿童提供重症监护和稳定护理. A team of specially trained pediatric critical care 护士 and respiratory therapists, under the direction of a pediatric critical care physician, 全天24小时随叫随到,将危重儿童从当地社区医院送到上州戈里萨诺儿童医院的儿科重症监护室接受专科治疗.

Center for Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders

上州大学医院是纽约中部地区唯一一家为患有癌症或血液疾病(包括白血病)的儿童提供全面儿科服务的机构, 实体肿瘤, 贫血, 镰状细胞性贫血和血友病. 自体外周干细胞移植计划于2001年开发并实施. 该中心是国际儿童肿瘤组织的成员,该组织是一个促进儿童癌症治疗的组织. 住院部与我们的门诊区一起工作,以确保向患者和家属提供高质量的一致护理.


这个有23张床位的住院病房的护理病人护理小组为婴儿提供直接的病人护理, 孩子们, 和青少年. 工作人员团队成员在术前和术后接受过儿科外科护理方面的专门培训. 常见的手术包括耳鼻喉科, 整形, 创伤, 泌尿, neurosurgery and general pediatric surgery.

一些外科病人可能有复杂的护理要求,包括中央线护理, 术前准备, 造口术护理, 皮肤护理, 手术后的管, 下水道, 烧伤护理和伤口护理管理. 注册护士, 卫生保健技术人员, 单位职员, 注册护士病例管理和其他学科作为一个团队,通过以患者和家庭为中心的护理来照顾这些患者群体.


这个项目为患者和家属提供了一个机会,在面对改变生活的事件时,他们可以接受额外的服务,以满足他们的需求和目标. 该项目与他们的初级保健团队合作,支持和治疗由疾病引起的疼痛和其他症状. The team is multi-disciplinary including physicians, 护士, 精神关怀顾问, 社会工作者, 儿童生活专家.


University Pediatric and Adolescent Center

大学儿科和青少年中心(UPAC)治疗从新生儿到18岁的男性和女性患者. The practice has a 19-county service area for primary and specialty pediatric health care. UPAC是8小时开放的.m. 到下午6点.m. Monday-Friday. Pediatric residents with attending consultation are available for on-call triage. University Pediatric and Adolescent Center provides acute, 慢性, 情景, and primary care through the following programs:

  • 收养保健服务
  • General 儿科/Continuity Program
  • 关怀:儿童虐待转诊 & 评价
  • 青少年医学
  • 领导资源中心
  • ENHANCE: 卓越 in Healthcare for Abused and Neglected Children
  • AWARE Program: Adolescent Wellness through Assessment, Referrals and Education
  • International Child Health Program: Healthcare for Refugee Children


儿科多专科服务由儿科亚专科诊所组成,包括以下内容, 肺, 支气管肺发育不良门诊, 婴儿高科技诊所, 孩子们 and young adults requiring ventilator or tracheostomy respiratory support, 和罗伯特C. Schwartz Cystic Fibrosis Center for Pediatric and Adult Patients. Patients range in age from newborn to 21 years and older for select clinics. These services use a multidisciplinary approach to family centered care. The overall goals of these services are to promote health and prevent secondary conditions. These goals are achieved through provision of individualized care, coordination of services and education of patients and families.


儿科GI是一个以门诊为基础的诊所,服务于急性和慢性疾病的儿童. Patient ages range from newborn to 18 years. 由于发育和身体状况的原因,有时会根据医生的判断对18岁以上的患者进行护理. Both medical and surgical services are provided within the scope of gastroenterology, 通常与以下专业合作,但不包括:儿科肺科, 小儿外科手术 and Pediatric Endocrinology. 儿科GI还为来自大学和克劳斯医院儿科住院单位的顾问提供服务.


儿科外科是一个基于门诊服务急性和慢性疾病的儿童. Patient ages range from newborn to 16 years. 患者可能需要外科手术,这些服务通常与以下专业合作,但不包括以下专业, Pediatric GI and Pediatric Endocrinology. 患者被转介到奥利维亚·路易斯·皮特拉菲萨儿童外科中心进行手术.

Center for Development, Behavior and Genetics

The Pediatric Neuro-developmental Center offers interdisciplinary health care for infants, 孩子们 and adults and includes Child Development, 脊柱裂, 代谢基因, 身体残疾的, 自闭症和唐氏综合症.

MLW Developmental 评价 Center (DEC)

玛格丽特·L. 威廉姆斯发展评估中心服务于有发展障碍风险的儿童,如智力迟钝, 自闭症, 脑瘫, 等. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》特别关注患有广泛性发育障碍/自闭症等复杂发育问题的儿童.


儿科推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is a hospital based primary care site located in Baldwinsville, NY. 北州儿科治疗从新生儿到21岁的儿童,包括低收入患者. 我们提供急性, 慢性, 情景 and primary care to General Pediatric patints in a 5 county service area. 我们从早上八点半开始营业.m. 到5点.m. 每天和星期六早上8点.m. 到中午. On-call triage is provided by 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Connect RNs with attending consultation as needed.


儿科泌尿科是一个门诊为基础,服务急性和慢性疾病的孩子. Patient ages range from newborn to 18 years. Both medical and surgical services are provided within the scope of urology. A wide range of services are offered with a focus on minimally invasive surgery, congenital diseases of the genitourinary tract, urinary tract reconstruction and spina bifida.

儿童外科中心为从出生到18岁的儿童提供手术服务,旨在为儿童和家庭提供友好服务. 我们执行大约4次,五间最先进的手术室和一间手术室/手术室每年900例手术.

所代表的服务包括:骨科,神经外科,耳鼻喉科,胸外科,GU,妇科和普外科. Teams work with leading-edge technology including endoscopic neurosurgery, cranio-facial surgery and laparoscopy. 绝大多数与儿科外科相关的服务都集中在该中心, 尽量减少院内旅行.

At the Center for Children's Surgery (CCS), we know that when it comes to surgery, 孩子不只是小大人, 但需要温柔和特别的照顾. The pediatric surgery team provides high-quality, compassionate and family-centered care for infants, 儿童和青少年.

The CCS has a 15-bed pre/post procedural care unit with seven acute recovery room slots. The pre/post care area individualizes each patient's care experience. 鼓励父母在他们的孩子在上州立大学医院的经历中发挥持续和积极的作用. 父母经常陪同孩子进入手术室进行诱导,以减少孩子的焦虑,并使经历较少的创伤.

The 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 is proud to have this child-only surgical center. 上州立大学医院的CCS位于上州立大学医院的三楼. 该中心反映了北州儿科外科的高度专业化,并由经过专门培训的护士组成, 外科技术人员, Child Life Specialists and Physicians who are dedicated to the care of 孩子们.